Prepare for Workshop 04 and 05

This section of CCC causes the most confusion and frustration, particularly the command line, so why do we need to cover it?

The main reason for learning command line basics is that often, when you break Linux the terminal is the only way to access and control your system. Another reason is that a lot of the help available online is given in command line form.

But another equally important reason is that using the command line is like learning a language; difficult and strange at first, but it can become an intriguing and rewarding challenge, opening up the hidden world of software and computer systems that run throughout our lives.

As always it is your decision on what to present,but we do recommend at least covering back-up, setting up Libre Office and customising your web browser sections.

This workshop should be run from a projector connected to your facilitator's computer.

Plug projector or Monitor into the facilitator-PC

If you are running workshops that don't need the internet make sure the CCC network is up and running

Check cabling for safety

Sabotage computers

This workshop is meant to be flexible, with your participants informing which activity you use. At this point you and your participants should be having fun and finding areas of interest to explore.

Once again, based on your own experience of the workshop, you can decide the content that is relevant to your community.

The instructions provided are detailed enough to work through step by step in the workshop itself, but ideally this workshops should be run in 'live' mode, where the facilitator is running through the tutorial on the projector with the group using the CCC-demo-PC.

Before you run the workshop, try to step through each activity a couple of times.

Sabotage computers

Plug projector or Monitor into the facilitator-PC

If you are running workshops that don't need the internet make sure the CCC network is up and running

Print out certificates on completion

  • ttt/preparation_06
  • by Andrei Maberley